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we never experience that which we are not ready for

Connecting people to the Divine Maps in the stars and the Physiological Maps in our posture

to find the ways to authentic embodiment of the Self.

Our Maps to Our Self

Astrology and fitness training — what a combination I’ve found myself pursuing...

Truth is, I believe that more and more offerings will surface in our communities in exactly this way. Offerings that represent the authentic expression of what it has taken for people to arrive fully in their own lives. Offerings that are integrated in more subtle and nuanced ways than hierarchical, academic, or intellectual ways. Offerings that value and demonstrate our uniquely personal “resumes” of lived experience. 


I offer a blend of services that I continue to massively invest in and refine through my own expression, learnings, and experiences. These offerings are built upon my personal commitment and journey of exploring the essence of what it means for each of us to have a truly unique and overwhelmingly complex individual truth - truth that we can learn about ourselves, embody, and come to deeply know. The portals I use to test, interpret, and contemplate these truths come from studying the complexities and interconnectedness of our functional structures designed by our physiology and of our starmaps and energetics designed by our spirits. 


I’m not saying that I hold all the answers, but what I can offer are some keys to try in some doors as you step along your own path of self-investment, development, and curiosity. There isn’t much I offer that we each cannot ultimately do ourselves — however, I genuinely feel inspired to provide access prompts and shortcuts to the information, patterns, observations, and interpretations I can make as a result of the time, effort, and practice I have committed to developing my relationship to these applications in my own life and with others.


And this is the true magic — where we don’t all have to become and know everything in order to receive the benefits from it, because together we will.


My Context

I have always found magic in the tools that allow us to access new perspectives and learn through self-reflection. My personal quest for purpose took me down paths of personality tests, animal spirit readings, energetic healings, and sound healings – with all of these continuously pointing my compass towards the astrology underlying it all. Meanwhile, my deep patterns of self-shaming and rejection pointed me towards a wide assortment of exercise routines and diet structures, along with all of the cycles that come with navigating the influence of such things. Relationships have been the core of everything for me - food and weight, self-expression, inner work, romance and friendship, value and being needed, and external validation for my existence.


I was taught very early in my astrological journey that “the truth, is the truth, is the truth”, meaning that while we can take multiple pathways to find the truth, it exists in some way in and across everything.


Our situations may all be unique, but when we begin to embrace the astonishingly complex designs we are each here to experience, we can start to see how we have simultaneously created a tapestry that we are truly and inevitably all connected through while we shape the world we want to live in.​


Everything gives, eventually, when you are determined. And this can be said for moving towards aligned and beneficial scenarios as much as dysfunctional and harmful ones. It has served me extremely well to remember to just keep putting one foot in front of the other - so my approach starts here.

Live Connected. Live Well.

Living our design. Embodying our wholeness.


Over time and across a multitude of modalities and frameworks, I have cultivated a deep practice, application, and ever-evolving understanding of astrology, which acts as a guide, tool, and teacher for opening doors to facets of self-discovery. My personal commitment and journey through fitness is constantly evolving as my life, my age, and my practices for holistic well-being and integration expand and enrich through learning.


The framing of Divine Assignment intends to captivate and articulate the magnitude of the mystery and certainty of our soul's mapping of our unique, personal journey amidst the collective cosmos we exist within.


As a complimentary offering, Functional Resilience Training invites an intentional training process to restore alignment across all of our physiology, starting from posture, so that we can shed the layers that inhibit the expression of our most resilient, adaptable, and functional selves.


And even with the deep study and ancient developments of these knowledge domains, there is still so much room for creating and expressing new lenses on interpretation, meaning, and application for each of us, uniquely. 

Divine Assignment


Starmap Interpretation

The lens that learning our personal attributes, lessons, energies, and biases can be seen through an astrology chart, Human Design, and Gene Key contemplations. Interpretations that span and consider the integration across all of these systems and perspectives is core to my approach to reading the stars. Current transit reports with personalized details are offered while certain transits are active.

Functional Training


Resiliency Development

Intentional movement and practice for developing a resilient, functional physical system within our bodies. We are meant to be dynamic, and that dynamism is designed to support a functional, connected body as it experiences the stressors, influences, and joys of our environments. Our focus here is to use specific movements and patterns to restore our inherent physical functionality.

Living Our Design


Every Map as a Way to Self

The perspective that what we experience in our external world is simply a mirror of our internal world is the approach embraced here. When we look at the patterns in astrology, reflection on our lived experience, and consideration for how we hold traumas and tension in our body, we open ourselves up to a bigger picture of who we have always had the potential to be.

My Story

video by the incredibly talented Ray Muise

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